NOTE: i have found hundreds of threads on this error, yet they all seem to suggest using the 'Microsoft access database engine'. however for whatever reason (even though its made for 64-bit office) this did not work on my machine so i was forced to find an alternate method.
this resolution works with:
- 64-bit Windows 7
- 64-bit MS Office
- Please reply to this thread if it worked for you so i can make this a full "compatibility list"
trying to connect to an Access database in visual studio but keep getting this error?
try installing this first:
however if, like me, that doesnt work for you, try the following method:
NOTE: this DOES work for office 2010 even though it is for 2007 office, dont ask me why it just does :)
1. download and install this:
2. in VS click add data source, follow the wizard and enjoy! :)
P.S thanks to everyone that helped me at my original thread:
i did give up and tried storing to text files, but oh my god was that a bad choice! so i came back to trying to resolve this and managed to after HOURS AND HOURS of searching.
this thread is for all of those people being given a hard time connecting to Access databases!
Please share your opinions/ problems below!