Sunday, 21 April 2013

jQuery: Slideshow Crossfade

jQuery Simple image Crossfade:

I wanted a simple jQuery crossfade effect for an image cycler last week, and surprisingly couldn’t find anything suitable. So I ended up writing my own, and here it is. Tested in IE6/7/8, Firefox 3, Chrome, Opera 9/10, Safari 4, all on Windows XP, and Safari 5 on Mac OS X/Snow Leopard.

Hoverfly on a green leafFly on a pink flowerInsect on a leafFly
This basic demo page will show you exactly what’s needed.

You need the following basic html:
<div id="cycler">
<img class="active" src="image1.jpg" alt="My image" />
<img src="image2.jpg" alt="My image" /> 
<img src="image3.jpg" alt="My image" /> 
<img src="image4.jpg" alt="My image" />  
Here’s the necessary css – just to show the z-index and positioning – you’ll need to add some more to position as required. Depending on your layout you may also need to set the height and width on #cycler to match your images:
#cycler img{position:absolute;z-index:1}
And here’s the javascript:
function cycleImages(){
      var $active = $('#cycler .active');
      var $next = ($ > 0) ? $ : $('#cycler img:first');
      $next.css('z-index',2);//move the next image up the pile
      $active.fadeOut(1500,function(){//fade out the top image
   $active.css('z-index',1).show().removeClass('active');//reset the z-index and unhide the image
          $next.css('z-index',3).addClass('active');//make the next image the top one

// run every 7s
setInterval('cycleImages()', 7000);

All the images are loaded with the page and positioned absolutely on top of each other, all with z-index=1. One image is initially set with a class of “active”, which is positioned on the top of the stack with z-index = 3.
Then, using jQuery, I’m identifying the active image, and then the next image down. I’m doing this via the jQuery .next() method. If there isn’t a next image – if we’re at the end of the images – I’m selecting the first image instead using .first().
Now, once I’ve identified the next image, I’m assigning z-index=2 to this so it’s the second image down in the pile – and hence is visible when the top image fades out.
Then, I’m fading out the active image. When this completes there’s a few things to do. First, I’m setting the z-index of the active image (now faded out) back to z-index=1. Then, I’m reversing the fade by using theshow() method. It won’t be visible now because of the z-index. Finally, I’m removing the active class. Effectively, I’m putting this image back into the bottom pile.
Nearly there. Then, with the next image, which is now on top anyway, I’m assigning z-index=3, and then adding the active class to this image.
Finally, all of this code is sitting in a function which I’m calling every seven seconds via setInterval().

Here are a few variations, mostly built in response to questions or comments on the basic code. View the source to see how they’re done.

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